Thursday, August 16, 2012

Preparing yourself in going to Singapore: 10 Random Guidelines in going to SG

Singapore, also known as SG. If your planning a trip in Singapore, there are some customs that you need to know. I will show you 10 random guidelines on how to prepare yourself in going to Singapore.

1.Bring Umbrella:

Singapore is a very humid country and the weather is unpredictable. It is wise to bring your umbrella with you all the time when travelling around the city, specially when you plan to visit their Zoo (E.g. Jurong Birds Park).

2.Do not Bring a Bubble Gum

It is actually not a crime to import bubble gum but they highly not recommend people chewing bubble gum in the public. If you go from the grocery stores and convenient stores in Singapore, you will not find any bubble gum. Anyways i think the guards from the airport will confiscate such things before you go can enter Singapore.

3.Escalator Customs

Usually the people who are in a hurry walk to the right side of the Escalator and those who want to stand is go to the left side.

4.Pedestrian way is prioritize in the road.

Usually this happens in a crossing roads where both sides have cars and pedestrian . What happen is when a green lights comes both cars and pedestrian are also on the go but happen is the pedestrian was given the priority to pass first before the car.

5.Bring a Tissue 

If you happen to eat in a Hawker Center , do not be surprised if they don't offer you tissue, it is Normal. You can buy Tissue from any convenient stores like 7eleven. Also if you see a tissue in a table , it actually means that the table is occupied by someone else, its their indirect way of saying this table is taken

6.Bus/MRT/Taxi Transportation

If you dont know which Bus Number you must take to go to another location, you can always see the Bus information located in each Bus Stops or search it in the internet, I use for my detailed transportation information. Bus and MRT is paid by EZLink which you can purchase in the MRT. Eating and Drinking are also not allowed in Bus/MRT/Taxi. SG Taxi is one of the nicest taxi in the world, they are equip with GPS locator which can easily locate your destination. It is wise if you know the exact location, postal code, etc. 

7.Uncle and Auntie

It actually means the same thing in English but the difference is you can say Uncle and Auntie to identify a non-relative old person

8.Dont just say Lah

I actually try to put lah at the end of my sentence because i heard that it is their Customs here, but there are  actually some rules in putting some expression in your sentences, like ah, lor, meh etc

9. In buying your drinks.

Tea (Teh) is Tea with condense milk,Tea Ow (Tea 0) is Tea without condense milk, Tea Bing is Tea with condense milk with ice. The same goes with the Coffee. You can also download this App in Apple which helps me alot in buying food and drinks.

10. Always obey the law

i know this might be so obvious but always obey the rules. As simply as obeying the traffic lights , not littering, not playing loud sounds in the MRT. etc

There are many things you have to know about Singapore and by knowing these some random guidelines i hope i do educate you. Enjoy and have a good time travelling


  1. Great post as I'm currently in SG now.

  2. Super helpful post right here. My girlfriends and I are planning our SG trip soon. Bookmarked this post. :)

    Marriage and Beyond


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