Thursday, October 29, 2015

Feeling stressed? #ChooseYourBottles and chill out!

Do you belong to the young crop of the millennial generation? If yes, then you are part of the population’s most stressed out individuals.

According to recent surveys, millennials- those aged between 18 to 33, suffer from the highest stress level out of all the other current living generations. Work, money, and relationships were cited as the top three factors that make today’s young movers and shakers quite unhappy about life. Not to mention the high expectations that society has put on their shoulders.

It’s not all bad news for our hardworking millennial though. Albeit stressed out beyond what is considered as healthy, today’s youth have been feeling less stressed than they were in 2007 with the trend going downward in recent years. The millennials’ many new and de-stressing ways of living life to the fullest can be attributed to this positive light. Travelling, going on night outs, and trying new fun things are just some of the many activities that are keeping the stressed out bunch busy during the weekends. Simple things like taking smart breaks, meditating, or drinking refreshing drinks can also ease the stress of the daily grind.

A new kind of chill in four refreshing flavors

With its set of interesting flavors livened up by a refreshing tea kick, this Indonesian favorite invites the young blood to #ChooseYourBottles and to chill out. Today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world can easily drown us with stress and distractions but it’s definitely easier to keep one’s cool and to take a quick time off with a refreshing drink in hand. Adopting its mantra from the millennial-apt adage “Choose your battles,” Sosro Fruit Tea allows everyone to #ChooseYourBottles from its distinct tea-infused flavors Freeze, apple, guava, and strawberry. Pick the perfect bottle that suits your current state of mind and get to chill in no time.

Created in 1997 by P.T. Sinar Sosro- pioneers of the world’s first bottled ready-to-drink tea, Sosro Fruit Tea finally reaches the Philippines shores via Reddimart Multi-resources’ exclusive partnership with the brand’s principals.

If there’s one thing one will realize after that refreshing “Ahhhh” Sosro Fruit Tea moment, it would be how it’s really easy to de-stress and to stay cool in the face of life’s challenges. #ChooseYourBottles and just chill- this is what the ultimate chill out drink for the busy millennial is all about.

The number one manufacturer of tea drink in Indonesia, Sosro Fruit Tea’s invigorating flavors are now chilling at SM Hypermarkets, Landmark, Sta. Lucia Grocery, Tropical Hut, Hi-Top

Supermarket, Walter Mart, Pioneer Center, and other leading supermarkets. What Sosro Fruit Tea flavor are you having today?

For more information, visit and follow Sosro Fruit Tea on Facebook at <>, and on Twitter and Instagram <@sosrofruittea>.

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